Senin, 04 Mei 2020

Draft Introduction (Essay Writing)


 Have you ever experienced ??  after tired of memorizing the vocabulary, it turns out that a day later the vocabularies seemed to disappear just like that in our brain and don't know where to slip it?  Hehehe. Yep,  as we already know, vocabularies are, arguably, the most important component in learning English and being a benchmark of one's success in learning English.  The more vocabularies we memorize and we can apply in conversation, the closer we are in reaching our dreams of being able to speak English.  that's right?

 But before deciding to memorize more vocabularies, you must know the types of words in English.  Knowing the types of words in English is very important, so that we can understand which words can be juxtaposed with other words (form Phrases) and which are impossible to combine.

 After knowing all that, then we start memorizing vocabularies.  But remember, in memorizing don't do this:
 1. Memorize only by remembering
 2. Memorize word words
 3. Memorizing without repeating
 4. Memorizing without practice


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